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toko bebas bea bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "toko bebas bea"
  • toko:    shop; store; bookshop; retailing; retail outlet;
  • bebas:    absolve; at liberty; be free; free; freely; go
  • bebas bea:    postfree; tax-free; post-free
  • bea:    toll; tariff; levy; extortion; taxes; tax;
  • bagasi bebas bea:    free of charge baggage
  • bebas bea masuk:    duty-free
  • bea:    toll; tariff; levy; extortion; taxes; tax; tribute; cost; fee; fare; excise; expense; taxation; duty; overcharge
  • toko:    shop; store; bookshop; retailing; retail outlet; boutique; bookstore
  • bea cukai:    excise tax; customs; tax on consumption
  • bea export:    export duties
  • bea harga:    advalorem duty
  • bea hayden:    kuo bea-ting
  • bea impor:    custom duty; import dues; import duties
  • bea masuk:    admission charge
  • bea meterai:    stamp duty
  • A catering department was established, and duty-free shops were opened at Amman airport.
    Departemen katering didirikan, dan toko bebas bea didirikan di Bandara Amman.
  • You can find many duty free shops and internationally recognized...
    Anda dapat menemukan banyak toko bebas bea (duty free) dan label yang...
  • You're not even going to buy anything, so why come to the duty-free shop?
    Kau bahkan tidak akan membeli sesuatu, jadi mengapa datang ke toko bebas bea?
  • Arriving passengers have access to a smaller duty-free shop in the baggage claim area.
    Penumpang yang datang dapat mengakses toko bebas bea yang lebih kecil di tempat pengambilan bagasi.
  • Duty free shops along with various entertainment facilities can also be found onboard to keep you occupied during you Ventouris Ferries journey.
    Toko bebas bea bersama dengan berbagai fasilitas hiburan juga dapat ditemukan onboard untuk membuat Anda sibuk selama Anda Ventouris Feri perjalanan.
  • The Luxury segment provides prestige fragrances, and premium skincare and cosmetics products across various regions and luxury channels, including upscale perfumeries, upscale department stores and duty-free shops, and travel retail sales channels.
    Segmen Kemewahan menyediakan wewangian prestise, dan perawatan kulit premium serta produk kosmetik di berbagai wilayah dan saluran barang mewah, termasuk parfum kelas atas, toserba kelas atas dan toko bebas bea, serta saluran penjualan ritel perjalanan.
  • St. Peter Line ships are appointed like cruise ships. They offer numerous restaurants, bars, a casino, duty-free store, gym, wi-fi, kids' club and babysitters. The ships' tourism and concierge pros efficiently arrange St. Petersburg tours and excursions.
    kapal St. Peter Jalur diangkat seperti kapal pesiar. Mereka menawarkan berbagai restoran, bar, kasino, toko bebas bea, gym, wi-fi, klub dan pengasuh anak-anak '. pariwisata dan concierge pro kapal 'efisien mengatur St. Petersburg wisata dan wisata.
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